Iligan city is not only a place of internet cafes and fun clubs.
It is also a home for singers that take delights on video-K-singing as a way of coping problems and to embrace fun with friends after work or after school.
Yesternight, September 16, lovers of songs gathered at the city plaza for a Video-K challenge: sing your best, get 100% score and be awarded with P200.00!
Unfortunately, nobody got 100% score. The committee-in-charge of this activity decided to award P200 for the three participants who got 99%.
There were two male and a female who won in this contest. The female winner is a storekeeper of Cheding's, a local store that sells the prominent baked-peanuts of Iligan.
The video-K challenge is part of the series of activities of month-long Iligan's fiesta celebration.